Saturday, May 1, 2010

A New Trend

When this house was built a few years ago, there was a new trend taking place. It was the return of wallpaper as a decorating feature. The owner and builder of this home is young and builds homes that are on the leading edge of quality, design, and materials. My daughter went to school with him and was in a 'Care Group' with him and his wife through our church. I do not recall how he got my name, but it was difficult to find a qualified wallpaper hanger and the paper he was using was quite expensive and he needed a good job. His house was advertising for his business. He must have approved of our workmanship because he now uses our services regularly and we are in the middle of doing his new home right now. The wallpaper trend is growing, and even though these types of houses are not easy to work in, there is a lot of satisfaction in working in a quality home with the best materials.

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