Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Great Divide

The Berlin Wall, as depicted in the above photo, was the metaphor used in the movie "Expelled". I came away from the viewing last night with many thoughts racing through my head, but the prominent one being that of a mandatory viewing in all schools of North America, and even the world for that matter.
A great divide has been erected in the world of science that separates those with opposing world views. There is no freedom of expression, association, or faith in academia and it is hurting science. The great questions of mankind are not being answered because those that have alternative or creative views of such things as the origin of life, are ostracised and discriminated against. The dogma of Darwinism is the official mantra and woe to those who suggest otherwise.
The interviews are fascinating, enlightening and enraging all at once.
Ben Stein, the principle character and interviewer, had an audience with Richard Dawkins, the prominent British ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and author of the best selling book, "The God Delusion". After repeatedly asking him if he believed in God, or an intelligent designer of life and the universe, Ben continued to get a more and more emphatic "no" from Mr. Dawkins, who was getting visibly uncomfortable. Ben then asked him how life started. He said he did not know. Ben pressed him and stated that the most important question of all had to have at least a theory. Then with a smirk on his face, Dawkins explains the latest and best theory.
"Life was probably 'seeded' here on planet earth."
"By who", Ben asked.
"By a much more highly evolved civilization from 'somewhere out there'. They had to design a life form that would withstand the rigours of life here on earth."
"And where did they come from"
At this point Mr. Dawkins, the world's most vehement opposition to Intelligent Design, was squirming, realising that he had just contradicted his life's work and believe me when I tell you that it was worth the price of admission for that scene alone.
Go see it and let me know what you think. If you are part of the scientific community, don't let anyone know you were there. You could lose your job.

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