Thursday, July 3, 2008

Speaking Out

A big thank you to all who have responded to yesterday's post. The post received over 100 'hits' so far and they are still coming. It was # 10 on Google Search for "Morgentaler" last night and I only hope that many letters were written to the MP's of our land. I received many personal emails of encouragement and one of disagreement. I found two separate polls this morning on the issue and at last check the majority of respondents were opposed to the idea. If it goes away, it will because the media do not want the issue to be raised. When the awards are handed out, it will flare up again.

For quite some time now, there has been an uneasy truce between the pro life and pro death camps. It is not that a compromise has been reached, it is just that we as Canadians have a short attention span and do not engage ourselves in prolonged battles. We capitulate too easily. But the issues do not go away. Issues such as gun control, capital punishment, immigration, and Quebec sovereignty. These issues are always just beneath the surface and are waiting for a flash point. If the pro abortion element in this country wanted to pick a fight, they could not have chosen a better way. To a pro lifer, this award leaves a very bad taste in the mouth and indeed gives our country an obnoxious stench in the opinion of many. Perhaps our Governor General could fashion a special medal for Henry as a sort of compromise. It could be called the "Odour of Canada".

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