Thursday, January 8, 2009

Man the Life Boats

Our local Emergency Flood Center opened today. No wonder. Not only are the rains pelting down, but the warm wind and rains are melting the snow at unprecedented rates. Although our own property is saturated, it somehow seems to keep absorbing more, like those Bounty paper towels they advertise on TV. I can't believe that all the snow of the last three weeks is almost gone!
It was back to work today after a rather long period of rest. I call it rest, but it was unemployment. After the sore back of the day before, I awoke with so much pain in my lower back that I could not reach down to pull on my socks. So I went to work with no socks. Just kidding. I did get them on after walking for a few minutes to limber things up. I slept very little as every toss and turn brought a new twang of agony. However, it was a good decision to get working instead of babying the back. By noon I could almost walk upright and I stopped grunting like a chimpanzee. At 2 pm I was able to take the back brace off and actually bend and pick things up. (Mostly food)
I guess it is like a cold. It will run its course so you might as well just carry on. Resting just makes it stiff and even more sore when I do move, as I found out tonight watching the hockey game in almost one long stretch.
Oh, and we did win the game, but I was not able to do my little victory dance. Maybe next game, on Friday.


Anonymous said...

A visit to the chiropractor would be in order, Bro. Before it becomes a chronic problem.

Susan said...

There are only a few states here that are unionized for nurses.. California and Arizona are two of them.
I hope your back gets better soon, and I agree with Gaye's comment. Perhaps you should visit the chiropractor. Take care.