Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Trees Wore Diamonds

The recovery from the back pain is going well, much better than hoped. It has been a good decision to keep working and moving. Why is it that I am so pleased with myself when I can get through something like this without meds? A number of reason I think. Keeping any kind of drugs out of the body has to be good thing. Besides the possibility of becoming somewhat reliant on them, my experience has been that anti-inflammatories do a number on my stomach, even when taken with food. I like to know exactly where my body is at in the healing process and pain is one way the body communicates that. Naturally, when it becomes unbearable, something has to be done, but overall, if one can take the pain, it can be helpful to prevent further damage. It tells you where the limits are for the type of injury that has occurred.
That was free medical advice and worth about the same amount of money. I know of several nurses who read this blog and if they are not laughing too hard right now, they can throw darts via the comments tool on this blog.


Susan said...

Look out Terry, this dart is aimed straight between your eyes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, LOL. Actually, it's encouraging to know there are some people who don't run to the ER for pain meds everytime they break a tooth or fingernail. I've seen so many people who will do anything to get their hands on narcotics. It's good to know your back pain is improving. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

It's really advantageous to refrain from taking narcotics during a kidneystone attack, so you can know exactly where the stone is, and how well the body is handling it.

Terry said...

Been there, done that, Gaye. But not because I wanted to. I have been stone free for almost three years now, but believe me, if and when I get another attack, I will be the first one screaming for Demerol. Or Morphine. Or a bullet in the head.

Anonymous said...

Did you get my comment as being facetious? I wasn't sure.

Terry said...

Yes, I did. Well done and I had a good laugh.