Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Too Scary

It was recommended to me that I try to get hold of the movie "I.O.U.S.A." and watch and learn from it. As I was watching the hockey game on Sunday evening I noticed that it was on CBC on "The Passionate Eye". So I watched it and now I am having nightmares. I was already seeing a nightmare just watching my team play poorly and eventually losing. Well, not really, but it was very, very scary. Much better that you watch a shortened version of it than if I try to explain it to you. Understanding and knowledge is power.
You can see it here. http://www.iousathemovie.com/

1 comment:

Susan said...

I watched the movie, Terry and now I'm even more skeptical of our nation's economy. Not only am I concerned about my own future and retirement (I'm in that group of baby boomers, you know) but I have just cause to be concerned for my grands future as well. I am even more angry about the Iraq war and wasteful government spending now... our debt has nearly doubled since Bush was elected! I am going to have nightmares too :(