Friday, November 14, 2008


Have you ever 'counted the seconds'? The first thing that comes to mind is watching the clock tick down at a sporting event such as a sudden death playoff. New Year's Eve is another event where we count the seconds, or at the launch of the space shuttle.
How about counting the minutes? Waiting for a traffic light to change, trying to get to an appointment on time, waiting for someone who is late, or enduring commercials while watching your favourite TV program, are a few examples.
Minutes can drag out interminably, or they can fly by far too quickly.
I learned a few minutes ago that I am 31,883, 125 minutes old! One would never think to count that out, one number at a time, but if we were conscious of every minute of our lives and what we do with them, we would be more aware of how many of those minutes we put to good use or how many we totally wasted.
I think a life broken down into minutes becomes important when we realise it is often the small things we do that count the most. Yes, lifetime achievement is probably the big goal, but how we live our lives minute to minute is really how we eventually achieve the lifetime goal. We can make a decision in a minute, we can act on something in a minute, we can say something kind to another person in a minute, and when the hours and days and years have passed by, although we will not recall every minute, we will reap the harvest of all the minutes put together.
My hope is that you do not consider it a wasted minute to have read this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a nice way of wrapping things up with your last sentence and each time I wonder how you will do it this time. I thought of covering up the last sentence and pondering for a minute, seeing if I can guess what you will say. but that would probably be a wasted minute of my life because I would most likely be wrong.