Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Things Can be Deceiving

I will be continuing with my series of Autumn photos for some time yet. The leaves are being driven to the ground by rain and wind these days and there is little colour left in the landscape. This photo is deceiving. It was taken at the height of the colour but Weeping Willows remain green for some time longer than other deciduous trees.
The average American voter may also be deceived by today's election. I pity either man who becomes President today, although it is now certain that it is Obama. There are difficult times ahead for the American people and indeed the world and if they thought today that they were voting for a "Messiah", as some have described Obama, they will find that there is much that is not in his control. I am sure he will do all he can to restore the economy, but the situation is now very much out of his hands. He will probably be blamed at the end of his term, but it is not his fault that it happened. The markets are correcting and they will do so on their own agenda. More interference from government will only prolong and deepen the agony. So, enjoy the limelight for the next few days, Senator Obama, because you have to roll up your sleeves soon and get to the very difficult task of leading a nation out of a deep economic depression.


Susan said...

Amen to that Terry. It will be a difficult task to strengthen our economic situation here. I came across a few blogs of those who believe that Obama is "the Messiah" and compared him to GOD... how deceived they are, just more "signs of the times". Thanks for sharing your interesting viewpoints.

Terry said...

Everyone needs a 'Messiah'. I already have mine, thank you.