Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Good Spot For a Visit

I am writing this on Nov. 2. By now, the voters in the USA will be flocking to the polls in what will probably be the biggest voter turnout in US history. There is a sense of importance to this election that has not been in evidence for some time. There are many reasons for this but most importantly, I believe the American public senses that their way of life is in jeopardy due to the financial woes it finds itself in and the next four year term will be seminal to the future of their country. The change that Obama promises will come without any help from him, but not the kind of change he will like. Will he help or hinder with his socialistic economic philosophy? Will his smooth articulate base voice and youthful charisma translate to intelligent and thoughtful policy making? Will his questionable past and shady associations reveal him to be something other than 'All American'? Will the dismal economic and social conditions of his state of Illinois be a taste of what is to come for the rest of America? There is no doubt that he will be the winner, if the polls and pundits are correct.
The empty park bench would be an ideal spot to sit with some of my friends and discuss some of these events even though we have no control over them. Sometimes all we can do is just vote and then watch the world go by. In this case we cannot even vote. We are Canadians.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Americans devote as much radio and TV time to Canadian politics as we do to their elections. Of course, this year every country in the world was probably tuned in to watch this road stone in history.
