Monday, November 3, 2008

The Popping in My Head

Things pop into my head, unexpectedly and with no apparent explanation. Maybe it happens to other folks too, I don't know. Names and faces of people from my past is a big one and suddenly I will be remembering things about them that I had not thought of for years. I have thought that perhaps a detail of my work or conversation triggers a long hidden memory. Or a form of mental telepathy is happening. Or, God is putting that person into my mind for a reason. I may get a brilliant idea for a blog post in the middle of the night and actually lay awake for while composing it word for word. Naturally, in the morning it is only a faded memory with not enough vivid detail to make it worthwhile.
Another 'pop' is lyrics to songs, or just song titles. They are almost always songs from my earlier years, and usually relevant to what is happening at that moment in time. More often than not, the tune will then buzz through my head for hours, annoying me to no end.
I was standing on Eagle Mountain taking this photo when Ray Steven's song "Everything is Beautiful" popped into my mind. There were a hundred other songs that would have suited the occasion too.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Trust me, the "popping" happens with me, and many others I'm sure. Just like my story on Mr. B, his memory just pop into my mind occasionally. LOL, I enjoy reading your posts. The photo of the mountain is very lovely.