Monday, November 24, 2008

November Doldrums

Let us pretend it is still Autumn. These November doldrums are dull and uninspiring. Only one month ago, we had these vibrant colours surrounding us.
You remember. I know you do. All this last year, as the gasoline prices were rising and driving the cost of every up, Stats Canada came out with its monthly inflation index and to make the numbers look better, and hence the government look good, they excluded the cost of gasoline and food, in order to keep the inflation rate looking artificially low. They did not fool us as we knew every time we paid our bills and just lived, it was costing more to do so.
Last week, Stats Canada again came up with the inflation figures for October and the increase in the rate is down. Did you get that? Not inflation itself, but the increase, is lower than usual. And do you know what reason they gave? The price of gasoline has dropped! The price of gas should either be factored in or not factored in. Do not use it only when it is convenient. This is about as blatantly deceitful as it gets. But we have to come to expect this from certain elements of our government.

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